Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Goodbye Rubik's Cube

So, I wrote another short story. Just another event that happened decades ago that I filed away for future use and finally find the time to build a story around it. There are two people in this world that would probably hunt me down and kill me if they read this story.  But I hope the rest of you read and enjoy. Pax Vobiscum.
Goodbye Rubik's Cube


  1. Good story. But Stacy's name becomes Lisa for one bit on page 23. You gotta be careful when you change the names to protect the guilty!

    1. Thanks for pointing that out! Yes, the first draft was written with "real" names then I went back and changed that. Thanks for the catch. I fixed that. More importantly, thanks for taking the time to read it.

  2. Powerful tale! Well told. To me, the unnerving moral of the story is: all those times I shrank back from doing something when I was a kid, for fear of setting loose unforeseen and terrible consequences, I was probably right.

  3. Richard. Thanks for reading. I so much wish I could use the typewriter for my short stories. But my typing cannot keep up with my mind. There would be more typos than correct wording. My short stories are always first draft cursive written in spiral notebooks. I don't know what I'd do if I never learned how to write in cursive like my kids who were never taught that in school.

    1. I'm in favor of whatever writing technique works to unleash creativity and attention. I write a lot by hand myself, as well as on the computer and typewriter. It all depends.
